Ladies Sewing Ministry
Sewing seeds of Christ Love & Grace

Gathering together ladies and children of all ages

Anyone looking to learn how to sew or willing to extend thier own knowledge with others. 


Sewing projects are donated to individuals in need, local elderly within the community or distributed at one of our annual church missions/events.


Times vary depending on leaders schedule, please Contact Us to verify times & dates.

Contact Information
Food Pantry
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me... Matthew 25:35

Fully stocked food pantry available for anyone going through a hard time and find themselves in need.


Contact Us if we can help you!  Any one of our members will gladly meet you up at the church.

Contact Information
Summer Vacation Bible School
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Creativity truely brings things to life & allows the children to engage in the Bible Lessons!


Bible lessons, Hands on Learning, Crafts, Snacks, Games, Music!!


Ages: Preschool (potty trained) thru exiting 5th graders


*Dates and Times posted locally and via social media

Community Fun Day

Gathering our community together in Fellowship & FREE Fun!


  • - Mix of games for all ages!  Prizes!!
  • - Hot Food!  Bounce houses! Train Rides!!
  • - Snowcones! Popcorn! Cotton Candy!!


Great time guaranteed!


*Dates and Times posted locally and via social media

Free Community Dinner
Service with a Smile

Our Free Community Dinners started back in November 2002 and continues to this day! 20+ years and counting!! 


Having the opportunity to give back to our community & share some of the blessing God has bestowed on us is a definite highlight of the fall/winter season here at FBC Blessing.


*Dates and Times posted locally and via social media